39th Class of D.A.R.E. Officers Graduate

Minneapolis, MN—On February 5, 2010, Minnesota D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) will graduate officers from the 39th class of D.A.R.E. officers trained in Minnesota.  Minnesota D.A.R.E. is celebrating 20 years of programming in 2010 and is proud to welcome a new generation of D.A.R.E. officers.

Hosted by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension in collaboration with the Minnesota National Guard Counterdrug Unit, 15 departments will get new D.A.R.E. Officers.

Departments participating:

Nett Lake Police Department

Wyoming Police Department

Plymouth Police Department

Stearns County Sheriff’s Office

Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Office

Mille Lacs County Sheriff’s Office

Grand Rapids Police Department

Northfield Police Department

Maple Grove Police Department

Chatfield Police Department

Good Thunder Police Department

Marshall Police Department

Nobles County Sheriff’s Office

Manitowac PD, WI

Pittsburgh PD, PA

The training is very intense and comprehensive.  Officers must attend, participate, and pass classes, held at the Minnesota National Guard – Fort Snelling, for two weeks.  Officers are then given the D.A.R.E. curriculum at no charge and will continue to be supported in their teaching efforts by Minnesota D.A.R.E., Inc., the non-profit organization that administers the program for the state of Minnesota. These officers will touch approximately 70,000 students and their families annually.