October 4

Show Your True Colors!


Did you know that the bright colors of fall are always present in leaves? These colors are hidden by chlorophyll until fall arrives.  In the fall, the days get shorter; as the chlorophyll fades, the hidden colors in a leaf begin to show.  We love to see those true colors!

We sometimes hide our true colors too.  We change who we really are to try to be like we “think” we should be; these ideas hide our colors.  However, we are not all alike.  We each have our own gifts and talents.  Those are the things that come easy to us and are things we love to do.  They make us feel happy.  Just like the colors of the leaves on the trees, they make us feel bright and beautiful.  They make us shine! 

We also need to recognize these gifts and talents in others and accept their true colors.  A true friend will accept you and your true colors.  You cannot change others you can only accept them.  You can only change yourself. 

Show your true colors and DARE to be Amazing!!! 

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Posted October 4, 2014 by dareadmin in category "Uncategorized