Press Release for 20th Anniversary Logo Contest

Sauk Rapids, MN—On May 18, 2010, the Minnesota D.A.R.E. 20th Anniversary Logo Contest Winner was announced at Sauk Rapids Rice Middle School.  In a surprise assembly of the 7th graders;  Kathi Ackerman—Executive Director of Minnesota D.A.R.E., Inc., announced that the winning logo for the statewide contest was submitted by Maddie Waseka a 7th grader at the Middle School.

Deputy Nick Baden, Benton County Sheriff’s Office, is the D.A.R.E. officer for Sauk Rapids. He helped arrange an assembly to surprise the school.  Sheriff Brad Bennett and Maddie’s family made surprise appearances to join in the celebration.

The Water Park of America donated the grand prize for the contest; a party for 10 at the Water Park of America and a Family Suite for One Night.  Principal Larry Stracek presented Maddie with some special gifts from the school along with some treats for the entire 7th grade.

Minnesota D.A.R.E., Inc. is celebrating 20 years in the state of Minnesota. In honor of this celebration, the Board of Directors wanted the students to tell us why D.A.R.E. is important.  Maddie’s logo and tag statement “One NO Could Make the Difference” does a great job of summing up the importance of good decision making.  This logo will go on display at and many other statewide celebration pieces.

Ackerman stated, “It is very appropriate that this 20th Anniversary winner be announced today in Benton County.  Benton County trained their first and only D.A.R.E. officer, Nick Baden, in the early 90’s.  The announcement at Sauk Rapids Middle School is being followed by a D.A.R.E. culmination at Sacred Heart in Sauk Rapids—Benton County’s 100th culumination!”